The amount of cash you have within your business will be a main factor in determining whether your business succeeds or fails. Having a healthy cashflow reserve is imperative.
This video explains some quick tips that you can start implementing now to improve the cashflow within your business.
From day 1 of running your business, cash needs to be a huge focus and priority of yours. It is so important to have a good cashflow management system in place within your business.
Lots of businesses fail and a lot of the time its because they haven’t got enough cash reserves saved for emergencies.
*Review your expenses regularly
*Set up a cashflow forecast to get an idea of what your cashflow will look like for the next 12 months
*Ensure your customers are paying you on time
*Ensure your customers are coming back to you for repeat work
*Review your pricing to ensure you are charging what you are worth
*Do you need to increase sales?
*Save, save, save
*Face debt head on, do not bury your head in the sand as it will not go away
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